We are glad to provide you with our high-quality devices, advanced software and up-to-date functionality. WebWellenss serviсe is hosted on powerful servers of Google cloud.

Our team has tens of experienced scientists, software developers, designers and marketing specialists offering you high-quality products at affordable prices.

Prices on the site are presented taking into account advanced software.

Device "Life Balance Contact"

  • Device: "Life Balance Contact" - 259 €
  • Software - 693 €

952 €

Life Expert
Life Expert 3.0

"Life Expert 3.0"

  • Device: "Life Expert 3.0" - 120 €
  • Software - 1429€

1549 €

Device "Life Balance 2.1"

  • Device: "Life Balance 2.1" - 100 €
  • Software - 851 €

951 €

Life Balance 2.0

To buy any device, you should:

  • sign up;
  • log in;
  • find contact details of your consultant on the Homepage who will give you necessary information and assist in purchasing the device you need;

Axioma Life combines new health-safeguarding technologies!

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